Sunday, March 13, 2011


           In the past women were confined doing only household work and bringing up children. They were also treated as second-class citizens in society. They had no right to ancestral property and were exploited. Still we have had such women scholars as Aditi, and Maitri; warrior’s queen as Ahalyabai and Lakshmibai; political leaders as Sarojini Naidu and Annie Besant in Indian mythology and history. But such cases were far and few.
        After Independence, however, the status of women has improved in society. Women today enjoy equal opportunities of education and employment. They occupy the highest offices in the country and direct the destiny of the nation. Women’s employment is no longer confined to such traditional professions as tracing, secretarial work and nursing. They have excelled themselves in any vocation that they have entered and that was previously considered to be an exclusive male preserve. They have entered the police force, defense services, civil aviation, financial management, civil services, and other areas, and have reached the top on the basis of merit alone. They are also top models and actresses. Several Indian beauties have won the Miss World and Miss Universe title in the last few years, thus proving that Indians women are second to none in the world when it comes to a combination of beauty and brains.
        With increasing awareness and education available in the twenty-first century, women have realized their duties and responsibilities to society. They are prepared to work at par with the men while, at the same time, managing their home and children. In fact, their contribution to social welfare and well-being in much more than that of men in that they have to discharge a dual responsibility of staying ahead of men in their chosen vocation and managing their household efficiently.
        The status of women in the rural areas, however, still leaves much to the desired age-old beliefs and superstitions like child marriage, female feticide, dowry and such outdated customs as sati stand in the way of women’s progress. Still female literacy is lower than male literacy. The school dropout rate among girls is higher than among the boys. Women’s role in society is still that of doing household chores and bearing children, preferably males. Otherwise, they do not play an active role in society. Efforts must be made to improve the lot of women in the countryside if they are to occupy an honorable place in society and compete with their sisters in the urban areas in respect of education and employment. Only then can we have a society in which women are considered at par with men and enjoy on equal social status.

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