Tuesday, January 22, 2019


          One hot day a bee, feeling very thirsty, went to the bank of a stream to quench her thirst. While she was drinking, she fell into the stream. She was being carried away swiftly by the current. Just then, a dove was on the branch of a tree hard by. She saw, the struggle of the bee and let fall a twig close to her. The bee crawled on to the twig, and when her wings dried, was able to come to the bank. Then she said to the dove, “I thank you with all my heart for your kind help. I will try to do you a good turn if I can.”

The bee had not to wait long for the chance, One day a man came and took tip an arrow to shoot the dove.

The bee by chance saw this. She quickly flew up to the man and stung him in the foot. At this the man gave a cry of pain and misled his aim, The dove saw the man and flew away unharmed.

Moral: One good turn deserves another