Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Honest Wood Cutter

            Once a poor wood-cutter was cutting down a tree by the side of the river. Accidentally his axe slipped in to the water. Losing his axe, the poor man sat down and wept. A God heard him cry and came out of the water to help him. He heard the poor man’s story, dived in to the stream and soon came out holding in his hand a golden axe. “Is this the axe you lost” He asked. “No, my axe was not so beautiful as this,” replied the poor wood cutter. The God dived into the river again and brought up a silver axe. The poor man would not take this either and said that it was not his. So the God went in to the river for the third time and brought up the iron axe the man had lost. This the man received with great joy. The God was pleased that the wood cutter was honest. He gave him the silver and gold axe as a reward in addition to the one made of iron.

The moral of the story is "Honesty is always rewarded".