Tuesday, October 17, 2017


          Long, long ago the city of Hamelin in Germany was infested with rats. Those rats were very bad. They would tight with cats and dogs and bite sleeping babies in their cradles.

The Mayor of the city declared a big reward to the person who might free tile City of the rats. A piper of strange appearance offered to get rid the city of rats if the Mayor would give him a handsome reward.

          The Mayor agreed to pay him a bag of gold. Next morning the piper began to play on his pipe, and the rats from far and near came out dancing after him. It was indeed a sight to see when a procession of rats followed the piper in the streets. The piper went to the bank of the river Weser into which the rats rushed and were drowned.

          The piper came to the Mayor and asked for the promised reward, The Mayor said, “We won’t give you any reward. The rats are drowned in the river and they will trouble us no more.”

          Next morning the piper began to pipe in a different tune. The children of the cit rushed out from all quarters and followed the piper in a procession. He came to the cavern of a mountain and the children entered into it. The cavern closed and the citizens could d nothing but mourn over the children.

Moral: Breach of promise brings punishment.