Monday, June 8, 2015


             ‘All work and no play remake Jack a dull boy’—thus goes the proverb. Ceaseless work truly begets boredom and fatigue. Leisure relieves and releases one from the drudgery of labour and the worries of duty. But for leisure, our existence in the haste and strain of modern life would have been almost unbearable.
             The thinkers have very aptly described leisure as the mother of culture at and philosophy. Life sans leisure can never create art. Work unites us with the outside world and affords the raw requisites for our existence. Leisure brings repose’ when we can shift these materials and select the ingredients to build something beautiful. Living in constant strain is not conductive to clear thinking. Relaxation from high tension grants the mind time and freedom for meditation. Art is. Thus, a fruit of leisure because creation of art is only possible when the mind is fully detached from other preoccupations and is unperturbed in a relaxed state of mental peace provided by leisure. Leisure is absolutely indispensable to culture and all sorts of creative urges. Men and women with profound leisure for the pursuits of art, culture and literature have succeeded in enriching human civilization.
             Leisure, however, must be properly utilized. Instead of wasting it in extravagent activities, it should be enjoyed nicely and purposely to make life worthwhile. Solitary amblings expeditions, outdoor games and various pleasant hobbies can make leisure interestingly enjoyable. They take pure attention off our strenuous duties. But, one must learn to discipline himself to turn one’s leisure into something really useful. Earning leisure is a way to the realization of the real value of life which is happiness. A happy man is always better than a successful man.

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