Generation Gap is a strange phenomenon. I am not at all ripe in age, but strange that I do not exactly under-stand the school and college students these day. I cannot stand them in their good-for shaken clothes and with their peculiar mode of speech. Discipline and decency are two words which are alien to then. Peculiarly they pride in being rude to others and even to their betters. These so-called sophisticated Romeos and Juliet’s hobnob with each other and sometimes their intimacy, temporary and skin-deep though, is reckless. I despise all these. But, my irritation probably has its origin in generation gap, the gap between myself and my elders as well as the gap between myself and my younger’s. I have practically become an introvert and have, under duress started to live by myself,—probably being biased and fixed in my emotions and views. My concepts of ethical and aesthetical values, to my utter dismay I find, sharply differ with those of the previous Generations as with the younger generations. The orthodox views of my parents in the matters of free-mixing of boys and girls pinches me equally as the lousy attitude in the name of wooden-lib shocks inc. The world, it seems to me, has gone crazy and we have been uprooted today from the soil of our belief.