The word ‘tolerance’ means ‘ability
to endure’ or ‘willingness to allow’. Its essence lies in the spirit of
coexistence. ‘To err is human and to forgive divine.’ All men are apt to err.
At the end of our earthly life everyone of us need the mercy of God for his
salvation. We require at every step of our life on earth the forbearance and
forgiveness of our fellowmen for the errors we commit. We should do unto others
as others do unto us. The whole scheme of the world would breakdown if we were
not tolerant of one another. Tolerance is an essential condition for peaceful coexistence.
Intolerance causes quarrels, bitterness arid bloodshed. It is tolerance which
alone can solve communal disharmony and feud or riot in a peaceful manner.
Tolerance is a precondition of world peace and progress. India is a secular
Stale. The spirit of tolerance is its heritage. In the present day situation,
we must not forget that it is the spirit of tolerance which alone can cement
all mankind into one family, and can unify the different countries and
continent into one world.