Monday, November 2, 2015


             One thing is certain: if there is a war between two nations these days, both the parties concerned will use science to defeat the other. Gone are the days of primitive fighting with hands, elephants, horses, bows and arrows. At present it is a war of science. And in most cases, the country which has utilized Science more for building their weapons will win. War is a very technical affair these days. It has become extremely expensive and the art of war has become the of warfare science. These days, just by pushing a button, a missile can be directed to land on the intended target. The distance does not matter. And all this has been possible because of science. Thus, one cannot isolate science from war in modern age.

             Surely the fathers of science are not happy with the manner in which science is being misused in the modern world. They had not invented science in all its forms to be utilized in such a destructive manner. They had wanted to better the standard of living. Thus, it is high time that the right thinking people of the work should come together and rise a consensus to decide that this madness should stop. Science should only be utilized in a gainful manner, and never as a diabolical agent.


             Lexically advertisement means ‘public announcement’. Public awareness is what the advertisement aims to create. It is a product of modern civilization. Progress of civilization brought about more and more human needs. This demands increase in production of various types of consumer goods. Along with the increased production came competition among the producers. Every producer wants to capture a ready and big market for his produces. Hence there arose a need for advertisement of the products to attract the consumers. This is the age of publicity. More a product is publicized; more goes up its demands. Now-a day’s goods are not sold for their quality alone.
             Big business houses invest large sums of money towards advertisement, for advertisement is highly remunerative. In order to make their products familiar, manufacturers resort to advertising them and keep the public conscious of them. It is advertisement and advertisement alone that can make or mar the market of a product. One who shouts the loudest logically and pleasantly, draws the greatest attention easily and favorably.
             Advertisement has come to be an art these days. Imaginative and thought-provoking advertisements are in fact pleasant reading. It pleases our eyes also. Of late, mode and media of advertisements have seen a sea of changes. Besides journal-advertisements or wall hoardings TV and Cinema screens have made their positions firm in this realm. TV serials have already been introduced in our country by big commercial houses. Mere trash, however; can never enjoy a prolonged popularity only through publicity. Worthless goods are at time puffed up through big advertisement. But the popularity gained is very much transient. Really good products of quality, backed by publicity will definitely command the confidence of the customers.