One day a poor woman came to Lord Buddha weeping for the death of her only son. So her sorrow was too deep for tears. She requested the great saint to give her some medicine to restore her dead son to life. Buddha was touched by the great grief of the woman. He asked her to bring a handful of mustard seed from a house where no death had taken place.
The weeping mother went from door to door for a handful of mustard seed. She asked every member of the house if there was any death in his family. But at every door she met with the same replies. Some said, “I have lost my husband.” Another said, “Our youngest child died last year.”
The woman came to Buddha with a heavy heart. She told him the result of her quest. Buddha then said to the woman tenderly, “Then you see, sorrow and death are common to all. Once a man is born, he is sure to die. So, you should not think much of your own sorrow.”
The weeping mother went from door to door for a handful of mustard seed. She asked every member of the house if there was any death in his family. But at every door she met with the same replies. Some said, “I have lost my husband.” Another said, “Our youngest child died last year.”
The woman came to Buddha with a heavy heart. She told him the result of her quest. Buddha then said to the woman tenderly, “Then you see, sorrow and death are common to all. Once a man is born, he is sure to die. So, you should not think much of your own sorrow.”