Sunday, August 31, 2014


Mission: Launching of ‘Discovery’, NASA’s space-ship.

Cause: Repairing the defects detected in the International Space Research Centre placed in USA space-ship buoyed there.

Site: Cape Canaveral Rocket Launching Pad of NASA, USA.

Team of astronauts: Six mechanics under the leadership of Elean colins .

Time & Date: 10.39 am (local time), 26th July, 2005. Zoomed Discovery.

           The mission, from the very start, was not at all a bed of roses. NASA had to postpone the timely despatch of Discovery as some technical defect was detected in the fuel -tank of the vessel. Then again a foam measuring 33’ inch in length fell off the fuel tank. Besides these, two pieces from the man body of the air-ship came off at the time of launching. These apart, the astronauts had to repair a number of mechanical defects in the main body of the vehicle. During the flight through the space they had to carry on repairing jobs for long five hours on the 3rd August. When the mechanics stopped their work, quite satisfied, a 20 inch wide heat-resistant sheet just below the cockpit came off the main-body. A hole suddenly appeared. Which had to be sealed up with ceramic tiles. Two member-mechanics, Soichi Noguchi and Steve Robinson went on repairing defects after defects developing one by one. The date for descent was postponed due to the inclement weather. Where the Discovery would come down—in Florida or in California?—This could not be finally decided the timing of descent of the Discovery was postponed for twenty four hours in order to set off any risk.
           It was 5.10 p.m. Indian time, 9th Aug, 2005. The Discovery entered the earth’s stratosphere at a speed of twenty-six thousand km/p.h. Then she slowly landed on the Airstrip of California at 5.42. p.m.
After the successful voyage in the space, the leader of the astronaut team, Elean Colins, told the News, I have no word to express my joy after successfully coming back to home—the earth. This is the most glorious moment
           The entire world felt elated to partake of this happiness with her.
With the experience of Discovery in store, the ‘Atlast-5’ rocket of NASA started her journey to the Mars.

Monday, August 4, 2014


           One day a rich merchant was riding through a forest. He had with him a bag containing a large sum of money. It was evening. The weather was foul. The sky was cloudy: So he was in a hurry to go out of the forest. But as a heavy shower of rain came down, he had to halt for some time. He was drenched to the skin and began t grumble at the wet weather which had detained him on the way. Just then a robber appeared before the merchant with a gun or his shoulder. In a thunderous voice be ordered the merchant to give him the bag. But the merchant refused to part with it. The robber turned the trigger of his gun. But fortunately for the merchant, the jobber’s ‘gun did not go off, for the powder inside the gun had got wet in the rain.
“How lucky you are !” exclaimed the robber, “Rain has saved you today.” So saying he went into the woods.
The merchant then realized that God does everything for man’s welfare.